We Add Focus and Relevant Experience so Early Stage Companies Execute More Quickly

Our team adds highly experienced, hands-on, part-time “C” and Board level experts to Early Stage enterprises who’ve identified large market opportunities .   We roll up our sleeves and jump into your business with you … wherever you most need us.

Leap4ward assesses and implements our solutions across 4 key areas to quickly grow exceptional client companies that deliver real results:
                  * Product or Service Offering  Alignment
                  * Revenue and Marketing Direction and Metrics
                  * Organization and Operations Engineering
                  * Finance, Forecast and Report Design and Implementation 

Clients find this to be a unique winning formula for faster goal attainment
                                           Leap  Forward  /  Leap4ward

BTW, by Early Stage we typically mean companies who’ve completed an early product/service version along with either (1) significant Seed to B-round funding  or (2) who have bootstrapped their way to current significant revenue.

Every situation is different – Let us know more about yours …